Hector Arguelles
Hector Arguelles, 86, of Beaumont, died Saturday, December 16, 2023.
With heavy hearts and profound sadness, we gather here today to honor the life and legacy of Hector Manuel Arguelles. A beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend, Hector touched the lives of all who had the privilege of knowing him. His passing leaves a void that can never be filled, but his memory will forever be cherished in our hearts. From an early age, he exhibited a deep sense of compassion, kindness, and unwavering faith. These qualities guided him throughout his life, shaping him into the extraordinary man we remember today.
In 1972, Hector married the love of his life, Vita Arguelles, and together they embarked on a beautiful journey of love, commitment, and devotion that spanned five decades. Their union was a testament to the power of love, as they weathered life’s storms and celebrated its joys side by side. Hector’s unwavering love and support for Vita was a source of strength and inspiration for their children and grandchildren.
As a father, Hector was a pillar of strength and wisdom. He instilled in his children the values of hard work, integrity, and resilience. He was their guiding light, offering unwavering support and encouragement as they pursued their dreams. Hector’s love knew no bounds, and his children, Patricia Arguelles, Miriam Arguelles, Deyanira Arguelles, Hector Arguelles, Thomas Moraida, Consuelo Hernandez, Sandra Moraida, Kim Arguelles, Erika Arguelles, and Honey Arguelles were blessed to have him as their father.
Hector embraced his role as a grandfather with open arms. Sarah, Thomas, Hannah, Nick and Loren Moraida; Tenley, Fisher and Gabby Jaynes; Xavier and Manuel Garcia, Greyson Muegge; Connor and Aniston Dang were the apple of his eye, and he delighted in their laughter, accomplishments, and milestones. He showered them with love, wisdom, and cherished memories that will forever be etched in their hearts.
Hector’s love for his family was matched only by his love for his sister, Marcela Arguelles and Irma Arguelles who preceded him in death. Their bond was unbreakable, and they shared a lifetime of memories, laughter, and support. Hector’s passing leaves a void in Marcela’s heart, but the love they shared will continue to transcend time and space.
Hector found solace and strength in his connection to God, and his devotion was an inspiration to all who knew him. His faith guided him through life’s challenges and provided him with the courage to face adversity with grace and resilience.
Hector’s legacy will forever be remembered as a loving husband, devoted father, doting grandfather, and cherished brother. His kindness, compassion, and unwavering love will continue to inspire all who were fortunate enough to have known him. Though he may no longer be with us in body, his spirit will forever live on in our hearts. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
A Rosary for Mr. Arguelles will begin at 12:30 p.m., with a Memorial Mass to be celebrated at 1:00 p.m., Friday, December 22, 2023, at St. Anne Catholic Church, 2715 Calder Avenue, Beaumont. There will a celebration of his life immediately following at The Laurels, 1315 Calder Avenue, Beaumont.
His cremation arrangements were handled through Broussard’s Crematorium under the direction of Broussard’s, 1605 North Major Drive, Beaumont.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 51 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tennessee 38105.
Con profunda tristeza, nos reunimos aquí hoy para honrar la vida y el legado de Héctor Manuel Argüelles. Un amado esposo, padre, abuelo, hermano y amigo, Héctor tocó las vidas de todos los que tuvieron el privilegio de conocerlo. Su partida deja un vacío que nunca podrá ser llenado, pero su memoria será siempre apreciada en nuestros corazones. Desde temprana edad, mostró un profundo sentido de compasión, amabilidad y fe inquebrantable. Estas cualidades lo guiaron a lo largo de su vida, moldeándolo en el hombre extraordinario que recordamos hoy.
En 1972, Héctor se casó con el amor de su vida, Vita Argüelles, y juntos emprendieron un hermoso viaje de amor, compromiso y devoción que abarcó cinco décadas. Su unión fue un testimonio del poder del amor, ya que enfrentaron las tormentas de la vida y celebraron sus alegrías lado a lado. El amor inquebrantable y el apoyo de Héctor hacia Vita fueron una fuente de fortaleza e inspiración para sus hijos y nietos.
Como padre, Héctor fue un pilar de fuerza y sabiduría. Inculcó en sus hijos los valores del trabajo duro, la integridad y la resiliencia. Su luz guía, ofreciendo un apoyo inquebrantable y aliento mientras perseguían sus sueños. El amor de Héctor no conocía límites, y sus hijos, Patricia Argüelles, Miriam Argüelles, Deyanira Argüelles, Héctor Argüelles, Thomas Moraida, Consuelo Hernández, Sandra Moraida, Kim Argüelles, Erika Argüelles y Honey Argüelles, fueron bendecidos de tenerlo como padre.
Héctor tomo su papel de abuelo con los brazos abiertos. Sarah, Thomas, Hannah, Nick and Loren Moraida; Tenley, Fisher and Gabby Jaynes; Xavier and Manuel Garcia, Greyson Muegge; Connor and Aniston Dang eran la luz de sus ojos, y se deleitaba en sus risas y logros . Los lleno de amor, sabiduría y recuerdos queridos que quedarán grabados para siempre en sus corazones.
El amor de Héctor por su familia solo era igualado por el amor a sus hermanas Marcela Argüelles e Irma Argüelles. Su vínculo era inquebrantable, y compartieron una vida llena de recuerdos, risas y apoyo. La partida de Héctor deja un vacío en el corazón de Marcela, pero el amor que compartieron continuará trascendiendo el tiempo y el espacio.
Héctor encontró consuelo y fortaleza en su conexión con Dios, y su devoción fue una inspiración para todos los que lo conocieron. Su fe lo guió a través de los desafíos de la vida y le proporcionó el coraje para enfrentar la adversidad con gracia y resiliencia.
El legado de Héctor será recordado para siempre como un esposo amoroso, padre devoto, abuelo cariñoso y hermano querido. Su amabilidad, compasión y amor inquebrantable seguirán inspirando a todos los que tuvieron la suerte de conocerlo. Aunque ya no esté con nosotros en cuerpo, su espíritu vivirá para siempre en nuestros corazones. Que su alma descanse en paz eterna.

St. Anne Catholic Church
- 2715, Calder Ave, Beaumont, TX, 77702,
- December 22, 2023
- 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Memorial Mass
St. Anne Catholic Church
- 2715, Calder Ave, Beaumont, TX, 77702,
- December 22, 2023
- 1:00 pm
Celebration of His Life Immediately Following the Mass
The Laurels
- 1315, Calder Avenue, Beaumont, Texas, 77701,
- December 22, 2023
Les mando un fuerte abrazo a toda su familia, y espero que Dios le dé consuelo a sus corazones y mucha fortaleza