Judson “Jud” Paul Simon

December 3, 1957 - January 29, 2025

Judson “Jud” Paul Simon, 67, died Wednesday, January 29, 2025. He was born on December 03, 1957, to Dorothy and Charles Simon, in Winnie.

Judson, better known as “Jud”, was a man of many things. He was a father and grandfather before anything else.

Jud grew up in Winnie, Texas and graduated from East Chambers. He was an avid musician and played the trombone in high school and college, and would brag he had perfect pitch. He went many places throughout the years and did many jobs before finally becoming a contractor. He was known by many to be able to fix things that others could not. He loved trying to solve and fix anything mechanical or otherwise. He was great at giving profound advise whether it was needed or not needed, but made sure to always be heard.

He will be greatly and devastatingly missed by his friends and family.

Adaline: “I love you pawpaw.”

Annabelle: “Thanks for being my bestfriend.”

Codie: “Dad, you taught me to be strong and resilient, and to truly know what it feels like to be loved unconditionally. Love you, your P.B.G.”

Survivors include his daughter, Codie Farrar and husband, Bryan; sister, Cheryl Riley; grandchildren, Annabell Marie Simon and Adaline Skye Farrar; and nieces and nephews, Wes Riley, Ronda Upshaw, Tricia Mayuex, Mark Simon, Keith Simon, Erin Moreno, A.J. Simon, Matthew Simon, Melissa, Kim, and Tammy.

He is preceded in death by his parents; and brothers, Byron Simon and Timothy Simon.

His cremation arrangements will be handled through Broussard’s Crematorium, Beaumont, under the direction of Broussard’s, 134 West Buccaneer Drive, Winnie.


Comments (13)

    Randy Dailey says:

    Grew up around the block from Jud all us younguns always had fun playing Your Missed My Friend RIP and Praying for the Family

    Barbara Vincent says:

    I grew up with Jud and he was always there for anyone that knew him. He was kind to my Mom and I’ll always be grateful to him for that. He will be missed.

    Concetta Rollins and Malcolm Rolliins says:

    Jud was such a dear friend to all who knew him. I was blessed to have known him all my life. Malcolm and I will miss visiting with him at the grocery store, lumber yard, or where ever we may have crossed paths in Winnie. Our sincerest condolences go out to each of his family members. Prayers and hugs to each one of you. He will be greatly missed.
    Concetta and Malcolm Rollins

    Mark & Monica Decuir says:

    I have know Jud for many years, I lived 2 streets over and saw him often. He was such a quiet man. I haven’t seen Jud in a couple years, but know he never changed. He will be greatly missed. Our thoughts & prayers are with his family..

    Lea A Cossey says:

    Hoggie and I are so sorry for your loss.

    Randy Shellhammer says:

    Our sincere condolences to all the family of Jud from the Shellhammer’s. R.I.P. My Friend

    Janet Foote says:

    It has really a shock to me. Jud was such a good man. He did some work for years ago and was very good at what he did. God bless him and may he fly high with all the Angels. And sleep in the arms of the Lord.

    Jesse Evans says:

    So sorry to hear and read this. Jud was a dear and good friend, teammate and schoolmate. He indeed could play that trombone

    Suzie and Kenny Ortego says:

    Jud was always very nice and wanted to help anyone that needed help. Our family lived right behind the Simon house and all the neighborhood kids would play baseball in our front yard. Jud will be missed.❤️🙏Suzie Bryson Ortego and Kenny Ortego

    Debra McGowan says:

    Jud was a great guy have not been around him in sometime now truly sounds like he was a great dad and grandfather my heart and prayers go out to all RIP Jud.

    Letty Smith says:

    So sorry for your loss. Jud was a great guy.

    Roland and Jeanette Weekly says:

    Our Deepest Condolences to the Family of Jud Simon. Just ran into him at Market Basket last weekend. Rest in Heavenly Peace My Friend 🙏

    kathy Hoskins says:

    I am sending prayers for the family and friends of Jud Simon. I know he will be deeply missed and forever live in their hearts.

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